Unhindered Design!
Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the lord has promised to those who love him.
-James 1:12
The Meaning Behind the Name
Unhindered Design is the name that God put in my heart back in 2016 to remind me that no matter what I’ve done, what I’ve been through, no matter what I’m going to do. No matter the circumstances. No matter whatever, whenever, rain, shine, any kinda weather… who he designed me to be and what he designed me to do will NEVER be HINDERED or shaken.
About the Author
My name is Abrena (pronounced uh-bree-nuh) and I am the writer and the face behind the blogs. I was born and raised in California. I have worked with children for the past five years, but am now working hard to be a full time Blogger/Stay at home homeschool mom (God bless all of it!)
If you catch me anywhere but a wedding I’ll likely be in ripped jeans and a hoodie with no makeup and a messy bun. Cuss words are a habitual part of my vocabulary, I love junk food of every kind, and I have a mild addiction to tattoos. Not proud, just honest.
I am a wife to the smartest and most supportive husband, a mom to four super cool kids that are a little bit of chill and a whole lot of loud and crazy. We fight with each other and our house is often (when I say often I really mean ALWAYS) messy.
I am a daughter who grew up in a blended family but I am lucky to say that I thee greatest and most supportive parents ever. I’m a sister; the youngest of six siblings. My circle of friends is very small but I do have a huge, loving family.
Most importantly, I am an heir to the throne of the Most High King. I am fearfully and wonderfully made, more precious than rubies, and all that good stuff that God says I am. BUT, I often look at myself through my own eyes instead of his and with that, I forget how loved and highly favored I am.
I guess what I’m saying is, I’m human. I tend to forget my worth and the fact that I have a purpose in life. I struggle to find peace in the midst of my hardships. I lack patience and have trouble understanding why sometimes God's plan means I have to go through a season of pain and longsuffering.
While on the other hand, I believe with my whole heart that Jesus died for my salvation and his spirit lives within me. Because he lives within me I have the power of HIS strength, HIS peace, HIS guidance, and basically every good thing that I naturally lack.
So you see, My life is far from perfect but HIS love for me is not. It’s perfect in every way, even and especially when I forget it.
I have HIM.
Because I have HIM I am unhindered and free!
I am HIS.
However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace. (Acts 20:24 NIV)
Thank you for your interest in my story and for taking the time to read it! I hope you will stay awhile and enjoy some helpful blogs about ways to get unhindered and live with the freedom that is promised to you!