“Always be joyful. Keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”
I believe the above scripture says it all in regards to the way we are called to raise up our families. Always be joyful; even and especially when it’s hard. Keep on praying; through every up and down God desires to be a part of all those moments. Always be thankful; every new day, every experience, every detail big or small, the God of all creation holds us in the palm of His hands and loves us no matter what. Hold fast to that truth and never take it for granted!
In this section of my blog you will find life lessons that I will share as I discover God’s heart for my family in the midst of our real life experiences. It will also include occasional tips and tools to help build and strengthen the relationships within your home.
My hope is that you will be inspired to seek out all the joy and the richness that can be found amidst the chaos and the routines and raise up your family to be full of unhindered love and unhindered possibilities!
Abrena Ganaden
Unhindered Design is a blog that was created to encourage and lift others out of their funks and into their freedom!
I am not an expert on any of the topics that I write about. I simply share what God puts on my heart based on what I learn from my own true day to day experiences.
My aim is to glorify God and magnifying His heavenly love and grace for us through my writing.
My hope is that through my blog you will learn to live abundantly blessed and Unhindered!
The words of the godly are a life giving fountain -Proverbs 10:11
My family helped me put together a list of 10 of our most meaningful things to do together.